An award winning recipe*

A variation on Sloe Gin, but is ready much quicker. Quantities are approximate, I recommend adding sugar to suite your taste. Remember you can always add more sugar so start with the minimum and add to taste. Use good quality gin if you can afford it, but cheap supermarket gin is usually fine. Make sure you look for good deals on gin at the supermarket and buy in bulk. Be prepared for some strange looks as you plonk 15 bottles of gin on the checkout!
2 litres of gin
1 kg of raspberries/blackberries
500g sugar
A big pot to put it all in, I use a Rumtopf pot (you see them at boot fairs all the time for a few pounds), but any pot will do.
Whack it all in the pot, give it a stir, seal with clingfilm and leave, stirring every few days or when you remember!!
After a month taste and adjust sugar. Leave for maximum of two months. If you leave it too long the flavour might be too strong. Strain to remove fruit (the more you force the liquor from the fruit the more sediment there will be) and bottle.
*ok, confession time, 1st prize at my village show, and, ahem, no other entries in category